All new docs are being written in the github msndevs wiki

The old contents are left here for historical reference

old contents

A summary of MSNP versions.

Version Working? Official clients Notable unofficial implementations Changes Comments
No MSN Messenger 1.0 to 5.0? - - Retired due to "security issues" (plaintext auth, i bet)
MSNP2 documentation was public
See wikipedia
MSNP8 Gone as of 2015-03-12 Windows messenger (any)
MSN Messenger 5.0[citation needed]
BitlBee 1.x - Windows 8 is the last version to include windows messenger.
It's gone with Windows 8.1
Probably the simplest version of the protocol to implement.
MSNP9 No MSN Messenger 6.0 - Nothing interesting -
MSNP10 No MSN Messenger 6.1 - Nothing interesting MSNPiki says "MSNP10 can be assumed to be the same [as MSNP11], except for missing the UUX command"
MSNP11 Gone as of 2015-03-12 MSN Messenger 7.0 - Contact list management changes.
UUX command (For personal status messages)
Accepted by VER, not tested more than that.
MSNP12 Gone as of 2015-03-12 MSN Messenger 7.5 msn-pecan - msn-pecan seems to work flawlessly.
MSNP13 No WLM 8.0 emesene 1.0 SOAP based contact lists
SOAP based OIM
SOAP based TWN / Passport 3.0 auth
SOAP based every-fucking-thing.
Not accepted by VER anymore
MSNP14 Gone as of 2015-03-12 WLM 8.0.0792 - Network federation (initially for yahoo messenger) Accepted by VER, not tested more than that.
The abservice ApplicationID is (probably) blocked by the server.
MSNP15 Gone as of 2015-03-12 WLM 8.1?
WLM 2008, version string: 8.5.1302.1018
aMSN 0.98.9
emesene 1.1+
BitlBee 3.0.5
SSO auth, roaming content The abservice ApplicationID of WLM 2008 is blocked by the server. Messenger Reviver workarounds it.
MSNP16 Gone as of 2015-03-12 Messenger:mac 8.0.1 - Multiple points of presence? The abservice ApplicationID of Messenger:mac 8.0.1 is blocked by the server. Messenger Reviver 2:mac workarounds it.
MSNP17 Gone as of 2015-03-12 Fallback only version for WLM 2009, 2011, 2012 - - Accepted by VER, not tested more than that.
And no official client seems to implement this version and not MSNP18.
MSNP18 Gone as of 2015-03-12 WLM 2009, version string 14.0.8117.0416
Fallback only version for WLM 2011, 2012
libpurple (pidgin, adium, etc),
papyon (emesene2, aMSN2),
BitlBee 3.0.6+
Minor changes to SSO Last version mentioned in MSNPiki.
May have other undocumented changes.
The abservice ApplicationID of WLM 2009 is blocked by the server. Messenger Reviver workarounds it.
MSNP19 No Fallback only version for WLM 2011, 2012 - - -
MSNP20 No Fallback only version for WLM 2011, 2012 - - -
MSNP21 HTTPS only WLM 2011, version string: 15.4.3555.0308
WLM 2012, version string: 16.4.3528.0331
Switchboard servers are gone, everything is done through the NS, fuck yeah.
New commands, NFY, PUT, DEL, SDG, etc.
Last version used by 'messenger' branded clients
msnp-sharp docs
My own WIP docs: msnp21
MSNP22 HTTPS only Windows 8.0 "Messaging" app, version string: 16.4.4206.0722 - Usable through the HTTPS gateway only - not accepted by VER in 1863.
WEB authentication method (SSO still supported)
WIP docs here: msnp22
MSNP23 Unlikely No known implementations - - Not accepted by VER in 1863, not tested through HTTPS
MSNP24 HTTPS/TCPS only Skype 4.3 for linux
Skype 6.14 for windows desktop
Skype 6.15 for mac
Skype 5.0 for android/iOS (probably) at the time of this writing
- Completely new connection flow
Vaguely similar to MSNP21/22 after login.
Port 1863 used to return silence when sending VER. As of february 2015 it just replies "VER 1 0"
WIP docs here: msnp24
MSNP25 Unknown No known implementations - - Used to have the same behavior as MSNP24 in 1863. Now there's nothing indicating it exists. What exactly defines a protocol version after VER is dead?


  • "1863" refers to, the original unencrypted protocol server.
    • Tests are done by sending VER 1 MSNP123, replacing MSNP123 with the right version.
    • A reply of VER 1 0 or a disconnection means unsupported.
    • No reply, but not reconnection is marked as "silence". This means I have no idea how to continue the negotiation for that protocol version.
    • A reply that is the same as the query, that is, VER 1 MSNP123, means it's fully supported by the old server.
  • "HTTPS" refers to connections through the https gateway, which is polling / long-polling based. Newer clients use this one exclusively.